On the morning of August 21, National Park Service staff found a Green Sea Turtle severely injured near a nest site. It was evident that the turtle had been injured by a vehicle driving on the beach. The turtle was too damaged for medical attention and was euthanized on the scene. We would like to remind all off road vehicle drivers to be attentive to potential nesting wildlife and carefully avoid them. Incidents like this can hurt responsible beach driver's access to areas in the Cape Hatteras National Seashore and could set back hard fought policy changes implemented last year. If you have information that could help NPS find the person who did this please contact them. Information to contact them can be found in the following NPS Press Release.
Outer Banks Group
News Release - Cape Hatteras National Seashore
August 21, 2016 16-050
Contact: Boone Vandzura, 252-475-8307
Nesting Sea Turtle Found Severely Injured on Cape Hatteras National Seashore Beach
On the morning of Sunday, August 21, Cape Hatteras National Seashore personnel found a severely injured sea turtle on the beach approximately 0.66 miles north of Ramp 32. The sea turtle, identified as a threatened species Green sea turtle (chelonia mydas), is believed to have come onto the beach some time in the evening, or night, of August 20 in order to lay a nest in the sand. Turtle tracks led from the ocean to the nesting site approximately twenty feet above the high tide line in an off-road vehicle travel area. The turtle had begun to lay eggs into a nest dug into the sand when it is believed, based on significant evidence found at the scene, that a motor vehicle struck and ran over the nesting turtle. The incident was not reported by the involved party.
The injuries to the sea turtle were so severe that the turtle had to be euthanized by National Park Service staff. Nine sea turtle eggs were found immediately adjacent to the injured turtle. Biological technicians working at the scene were able to salvage an additional 172 eggs which were deposited in a nest site nearby in hope that these eggs will eventually hatch in a natural state.
National Park Service rangers are working with federal, state, and local authorities to understand the circumstances surrounding this incident. Anyone with information that may help determine the circumstances and events that led to the severe injuries of this sea turtle are asked to contact the Dare County Community Crimeline. For more information, please contact: http://darecommunitycrimeline.org or call 252-473-3111 or 800-745-2746.
Superintendent David Hallac stated, "this is a tragic and unfortunate incident. We ask that all people utilize caution and look carefully for nesting wildlife when enjoying the Seashore's beaches.” Visitors to Cape Hatteras National Seashore are reminded that sea turtles, while predominately nesting during nighttime hours, may be present on Seashore beaches at any hour of the day. The maximum speed limit in off-road vehicle areas is 15 miles per hour. Nighttime driving restrictions are in place during summer months to protect nesting sea turtles. All off-road vehicles must be off of Seashore beaches no later than 9:00 pm.
The National Park Service cares for special places saved by the American people so that all may experience our heritage.
Outer Banks Group | National Park Service | US Department of the Interior
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1401 National Park Dr | Manteo, North Carolina 27954
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