Thursday, June 26, 2008

One Mans' Opinion

June 26, 2008Chris Canfield
Executive Director/Vice President
Audubon North Carolina
123 Kingston Drive, Suite 206AChapel Hill, NC 27514

Dear Mr. Canfield,

As I sit reading your message written in early June concerning the pending legislation in Washington aimed at overturning the Outer Banks beach access “Negotiated Settlement”, two thoughts come to mind. I often wonder how much of information put out by the National Audubon Society concerning the “Negotiated Settlement” is actually believed by Audubon members. I have come to the conclusion that, as inaccurate as this information often is, many of your members actually buy in to it. As your organization continues its crusade to close down our beaches, it would seem that many of your members truly believe what they are doing is right.

Actually, I find that those of us being denied the privilege of using the beaches have much in common with members of the Audubon Society. Like you, we love wildlife and would go to extremes to protect it, be it a fish, bird, fox or raccoon. Anyone walking by as a seagull gets tangled in a surf fisherman’s line would understand this is true. Without exception, when a gull gets tangled, nearby fisherman rush over to see what they can do to help free the bird unharmed. We are not against the well being of turtles, Piping Plover or any other types of wildlife, to the contrary, we will go out of our way to ensure animals are protected.

Why is it then that our group and your members are not allies? We are similar is some ways, but very different in one major respect. Our group loves and defends wildlife with a passion, but understands and believes that this must be done with the welfare of humans taken into consideration. You and your members, on the other hand, pursue the protection of wildlife without the slightest concern to what effects your actions might have on the human population. Its really kind of sad, the two groups could work so well together, but that one difference is a real show stopper.

So, we lovers of the beaches of the OBX will continue to fight the injustice the National Audubon Society is shoving down our throats (“negotiated settlement”???). Your organization has the money and power to make our fight extremely difficult, but please do not think we will go away easily. In the meantime, your organization, which many of us grew up believing was a wonderful defender of wildlife, will be remembered by many of us as an uncompromising bully, adversely effecting the lives of thousands of Americans.

Regards,James xxxxxxxx