Saturday, May 24, 2008

One Mans Testimony

To whom it may concern,

I volunteer to bear witness before the senate in regards to the off-highway vehicle management on public lands hearing. I am an avid surf fisherman. I make my own rods and gear, I catch my own bait, and I regularly visit the Cape Hatteras National Seashore Recreational Area to surf fish. I drive approximately 250 miles from my home in Midlothian Virginia to Buxton North Carolina to fish 15-20 times a year. The recent lawsuit settlement between the Defenders of Wildlife, Audubon Society, and Cape Hatteras National Seashore Recreational Area will significantly reduce the number of trips and money I spend in the local communities. I will reduce my trips from 20 to 6 this year, 4 of which were before the settlement. The settlement has removed access to 3 of the best fishing spots on the East Coast. Therefore I have no reason to visit. My 2 remaining trips will come in the fall after the night time driving ban is lifted. This is because I primarily fish for a species called red drum. Red drum are mostly nocturnal and bite best after 10 pm. 3 of the best places to catch them are currently closed. I will return to the recreational area when I can catch red drum at night. I need access with an ORV to transport my fishing gear to the fishing areas because the gear weighs over a hundred pounds, is bulky, and I would need to otherwise hike it for many miles. This is infeasible without an ORV.

I will testify before congress that my ability to fish is significantly harmed because of this settlement. Not being able to access surf fishing areas at strategic times diminishes my quality of life. I will testify that my contribution to the communities surrounding Cape Hatteras National Seashore Recreational Area will diminish from about $10k last year to $2k this year. I will testify that my contributions to my local community in VA will diminish from $800 to $0 this year because of the settlement. This is because I make my own rods. I typically build 2 rods a year and spend $400/rod and real. I have some that cost $800/rod and real. Since I can not fish in the most productive areas, I have no reason to build new rods. I will testify that I need ORV access to successfully fish the recreational area because of the amount and weight of gear required by surf fishing. I can provide visual aids and bring my fully loaded vehicle with rods and gear to DC and let congress see what a surf fisherman typically needs. I will testify that I will no longer need a 4wd vehicle and so will purchase a car for transportation that costs $10k less than my truck. This will harm property tax and sales tax collections in my community. I will testify there are many in my local community that are just as dedicated and spend about the same on surf fishing. I will testify that surf fishermen are a special community and one that enriches our American culture and heritage.

Sincerely,Skunk King