Oral arguments were heard by Judge Terrence Boyle in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina Northern Division in Elizabeth City on March 24, 2014.
Jonathan Simon from the law firm Van Ness Feldman and supported by Todd Roessler and Avi Zevin presented arguments on behalf of the Cape Hatteras Access Preservation Alliance. 
Joseph Kim and Mike Stevens from the U.S. Department of Justice presented arguments for the Department of the Interior, et al., defendants.
Julia Youngman, Derb Carter and Geoffrey Gisler from the Southern Environmental Law Center presented arguments on behalf of the intervenors.

Jim Lea in attendance for the Island Free Press posted the following article http://islandfreepress.org/2014Archives/03.27.2014-JudgeBoyleHearsOralArgumentsInCHAPALawsuitToScrapTheParkServiceORVPlan.html
on March 27.


The full transcript for the hearing can be read here.

To close the hearing, Judge Boyle thanked the participants and advised he wii weigh the cross-motions for judgement, and  have a detailed examination of the record and give a ruling as soon as he can.