Cape Hatteras Access Preservation Alliance representatives Larry Hardham, Jim Keene and David Scarborough met with the National Park Service Southeast Regional Director David Vela in Atlanta on July 13th, 2010. The meeting had originally been scheduled to occur in Manteo on June 2nd; however, Regional Director Vela was called away due to an unexpected emergency.
CHAPA, the OBPA, NCBBA and CHAC used this meeting as an opportunity to reiterate the positions the pro-Access community voiced during the DEIS comment period, and provided copies of supporting documentation.
In addition to Regional Director Vela, the meeting was attended by the following NPS representatives:
Southeast Regional Deputy Director, Mark Woods; Southeast Regional Chief LE Officer, Mike Anderson; Southeast Regional Interpretaional Officer, Gordon Wissinger; Southeast Regional Field Officer, Sherri Fields
The following link contains the letter sent to Regional Director Vela on July 21 to further address several questions raised during the meeting. The attachment to the letter contains links to documents provided at the meeting.